Ovaj studijski komitet se sastoji od:
- predsednika,
- sekretara,
- 22 člana.
PREDSEDNIK: Nada Curović,
EMS Beograd,
e-mail: nada.curovic@ems.rs
SEKRETAR: Ivan Milanov
Elektroistok projektni biro,
Jasna Grujić, (Energoprojekt ENTEL)
Sandra Petrović (EMS AD)
Miliša Jovanović (EMS AD)
Maja Grbić (EI Nikola Tesla)
Dejan Hrvić (EI Nikola Tesla)
Aleksandar Pavlović (EI Nikola Tesla)
Nenad Radosavljević (Intec, GOPA) -
Aleksandar Babić (WSP)
Jovan Trifunović (Elektrotehnički fakultet Beograd)
Međunarodni skupovi
14. - 16. 11. 2016.
Mexico City, Mexico International colloquium "building smarter substations" -
02. - 03. 11. 2016.
Philadelphia, USA International Colloquium organized by the US NC -
30. 10. - 01. 11. 2016.
Philadelphia, USA 2016 Grid of the Future Symposium -
17. - 19. 10. 2016.
Vancouver, Canada 11th annual conference of CIGRE Canada -
10. - 12. 10. 2016.
Bucharest, Romania CIGRE Regional South-East European Conference (RSEEC 2016) -
25. - 27. 04. 2016.
Amman, Jordan Integration of Large Capacity Renewable Energy Systems on Transmission & Distribution Networks -
24. - 26. 02. 2016.
New Delhi, India CIGRE- Asia Oceana Regional Council (AORC) Technical Meeting 2016